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Charitable Donations



With our donation we specifically want to support socially disadvantaged pupils and students in Austria in order to enable them to achieve a school degree. Our funding provides for learning support, as well as starter kits for the school year. Caritas firmly believes that education helps effectively to escape the poverty spiral.

Spendenkonto: PSK
Konto: 1260007
BLZ: 60000
IBAN: AT42600000000126007


Pater Georg Sporschill

Our donation supports the Concordia Sozialprojekte of Father Georg Sporschill SJ. Father Sporschill came to Bucharest for the first time in 1991 to help street children. After many years of support in Romania, Concordia now also operates in countries like Moldavia and Bulgaria where it not only provides for children and young people but also for the elderly in need. Father Georg Sporschill builds bridges between East and West as well as between poverty and wealth.

Spendenkonto: Raiffeisen Landesbank Niederösterreich-Wien
Konto: 7034499
BLZ: 32000
IBAN: AT663200000007034499



Our donation supports the Diakonie, the Social Union of Protestant Churches in Austria. The core competencies of the Diakonie lie in working with disabled people, elderly or sick people or persons who require special care, as well as working with refugees, children and adolescents.

Spendenkonto: PSK
Konto: 2396444
BLZ: 60000
IBAN: AT596000000002396444


Die Boje – Ambulatorium für Kinder und Jugendliche in Krisensituationen

We support “Die Boje“ (“The buoy”) in Austria. “Die Boje” is a walk-in clinic that offers support to children and young people who have been subjected to deep emotional stress and traumatic experiences. “Die Boje” offers crisis intervention, diagnostics, neuropsychological treatment for children, short and long term therapy, group therapy and work with parents and carers.

Spendenkonto: PSK
Konto: 92130160
BLZ: 60000
IBAN: AT496000000092130160


H. Stepic CEE Charity – Association to support charity projects in Central and Eastern Europe

Founded in 2006 by Dr Herbert Stepic, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International AG, the H. Stepic CEE Charity Foundation was created to provide help to children, adolescents and young women in less advantaged regions in Central and Eastern Europe.

Spendenkonto: Raiffeisen Landesbank Niederösterreich-Wien
Konto: 100099
BLZ: 32000
IBAN: AT483200000000100099


Karl Landsteiner Institut zur Förderung Medizinisch-Wissenschaftlicher Forschung

The Karl Landsteiner Society is an association for the conduct of scientific research in the field of medicine and related disciplines. Our donation was made to the Department of Special Gynecology and Obstetrics and will serve to support the research and training activities of the department.

Spendenkonto: Hypo NOE
Konto: 3455032279
BLZ: 53000
IBAN: AT485300003455032279



Volkshilfe is a non-profit, non-political and inter-faith organisation. The charity plans, operates and supports professional social and socio-medical institutions and projects, as well as giving humanitarian support for aid projects in Austria and abroad.

Spendenkonto: PSK
Konto: 1740400
BLZ: 60000
IBAN: AT776000000001740400